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Radish ( Mooli )


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₹ 30 ₹ 25


Radishes are a root crop with a crunchy texture and a sharp, spicy, hot or sweet taste. They are juicy and sometimes have a pungent smell.

  • Specifications

  • Benefits

    Radishes are excellent source of vitamin c. It contains folate, fiber, riboflavin, and potassium, as well as good amounts of copper, vitamin B6.

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Size Chest Shoulder Length
XS/38 37 17 28
S/39 39 17.75 28.5
M/40 40 18.5 29
L/42 42 19.25 29.5
XL/44 44 20 30
2XL/46 46 20.75 30.5

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